Apr, 26 2021
Posted by Yellow Moon
This comprehensive list of Frequently Asked Questions will help you find valued details about designs, shopping and selling on Printblur.
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    Customer Questions

    Is Printblur legit?

    Yes. Printblur.com is an online market where thousands of independent designers sell their unique personalized products at competitive prices. We are also working with more than one hundred manufacturers and printing suppliers to offer excellent custom T–shirts, unique wooden products, accessories, and much more. You may learn more about us here for detailed information. 

    How do I shop for a custom item?

    At Printblur.com, all products from our artists are inspired by your favorites, you can select a design to customize it or add additional texts and designs to complete a new unique product on your own. 

    how to custom a design

    What kind of personalized products and printing services are you offering?

    You will find a wide range of custom products from Clothing, Home & Living, Pet Supplies, Mugs, Bags, Sports & Outdoor, and much more. You can add texts or images to create your own design for a few seconds. 

    Do you offer any discount or promotions?

    Yes. There are many ways to attain our promotions and discounts when you place an online order on PrintBlur.com. You can check the latest Promo Codes at the bottom of the homepage. Sometimes, we also offer promotional programs or coupon codes to your email if you join our newsletter. Furthermore, you may also have a chance to earn extra bucks for every successful referral

    Why is my promo code not working?

    Should you have any trouble with your discount code or coupon, please contact us for further assistance. We´ll try our best to help you out ASAP.

    What should I do if I forget to apply my coupon code?

    You can ask for a cancellation of your order within 4 hours from the time of your purchase and place a new order with a valid promo code by Printblur. You may also reach out to our customer service to ask for assistance. 

    How do I find my size?

    You will always find the Size Chart when clicking to view any product on our website. 

    find the size chart of a product

    In addition, you can read our Size Guide to see a full sizing reference for each sort of product. You will always choose items that fit your size as a result. 

    It is important to note that size specifications may vary by individual printing suppliers and manufacturers. So we´ll need to check the availability of product sizes with our outsourced manufacturers to ensure the correct size and product quality as committed before your parcel is delivered to your home. 

    See more of our Size Guide.

    Do I need to sign up to place an order?

    YES. You can make a purchase on Printblur.com as a guest without any sign–up required. At the checkout, we´ll need your contact, shipping address, and payment information before you complete your order.  

    However, we recommend you join our newsletter to be the first to access new collections and promotions to save on your next purchase.  

    How to place an order?

    You can take a few steps in seconds to place an order on printblur.com by following these steps:

    Step 1: Search for your new favorite items on our website Printblur.com

    Step 2: Select the color, type, style, size, print location, custom, and quantity of the item before you add the product to your shopping cart.

    Step 3: Click the ¨Add to Cart¨ button. 

    Step 4: Hit the ¨View Cart¨ button to head to the checkout page. 

    Step 5: Complete your personal information, shipping address, and payment method, and enter a Promotion Code if your purchase qualifies for the requirements of any active Printblur coupon code. 

    Step 6: Click the ¨Proceed to Payment¨ button and complete your purchase. 

    What payment methods do you accept?

    We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express via Stripe, and Paypal for orders worldwide. Afterpay, Affirm, and Klarna are also acceptable for most US purchases. Check the Payment Method policy for more information.

    Why did I receive any confirmation email for my order?

    Please check your junk or spam folder in your email first. If you still find any order confirmation email for your order from Printblur, you can contact us for details. 

    How do I get an invoice for my order?

    Your invoice is your order confirmation email. If you did not find it in your spam or junk folder, reach out to us and our customer service staff will help you out. 

    What happens to returns?

    Each thing you order from us is unique. If your order is eligible for returns or exchanges, we will not require you to mail the item back. We would appreciate it if you could donate it to local charities to help others in need.

    Can I cancel or change my order?

    You can ask for cancellation or make changes to your order within 4 hours from the time of your purchase. Learn more about how to cancel/change order for details. 

    I´m not happy with my product and want a refund. 

    Printblur is willing to return or send a new replacement for items within 30 days from the date of delivery. Regarding your case, you can read our Refund Policy for any inquiry or contact us if you need more assistance. 

    Your products are counterfeit.

    At Printblur, all designs from independent artists comply with the Intellectual Property Policy. If you believe that any product is violating any copyright, you can Report Content/Copyright Infringement below the product information. 

    Can I ask for a refund or replacement if my shirt didn't fit?

    You can ask for a return to get a refund or a new replacement. We´ll inform you of new tracking information once the package is resent with the desired size. Additional shipping feed may be required if you selected the wrong size for your item. Reach out to our customer support for additional assistance. 

    How long does my parcel arrive?

    Depending on the destinations and shipping methods, delivery time may vary.  Please check the estimated shipping time at the checkout page before you place an order. In addition, don't forget to check Order Tracking to know where your package is.  

    Review our Shipping Delivery Policy for detailed information.

    Artist Questions

    Why to sell my product on PrintBlur?

    No matter where you are, you can completely sell your designs on PrintBlur with outstanding benefits:

    • No hidden monthly fees
    • Secured transactions
    • Automatic deposits
    • Seller Information protected

    How do I get started on PrintBlur?

    Please go to the official website Printblur.com, you´ll find ¨Sell on Printblur¨ and click to register to become our seller with one step only. We´ll require you to provide your email, shop name, country, and password. Please read our Create License Agreement and Privacy Policy before you click the Register button.

    Is there any fee for registering a Printblur account as a seller?

    No. We don´t take any charges for creating an account or setting up a shop on our website Printblur.com. Simply sign up with the details required and confirm your account to start selling your work.

    How to sell my work?

    Simply log in to your account on Printblur.com and upload your products to your shop. Then customers can discover your collections and purchase their favorites. Once customers receive products, you´ll earn money. 

    What can I sell my designs on?

    You can sell custom designs on products such as hoodies, T–shirts, shirts, handbags, shoes, stickers, socks, wooden, digital prints, and more on Printblur.com.

    How do I upload my design to Printblur?

    Once you register and complete your profile as a seller on Printblur, you can start adding your work to your portfolio. Keep in mind that your art cannot be shown up in your portfolio or shop if you haven´t completed your account setup required.

    Remember to click on your Avatar and select Add New Work. 

    Note: High–resolution, PNG, JPEG, or GIF files with a minimum of 1000px resolution and a maximum of 5MB is highly recommended.

    Can I know who purchased my work?

    Due to privacy concerns, we are unable to disclose any personal information regarding our customers.

    How to check whether my product has arrived to my customer?

    Please find the Order Status in your Sales History when you log into your account on Printblur. You can check the status of each confirmed sale ¨To Be Paid¨ or ¨Paid¨.

    When do I get paid?

    If you meet the payment threshold, the process will start from the beginning of the month and the money may land in your account by the 15th. We´ll pay the next Monday if the normal pay date falls on Sunday.

    I find my sale ¨Pending¨.

    Sometimes, sellers may find their sale ¨Pending¨, especially during the peaks of seasons like Christmas Sales. This comes from the fact that our outsourced manufacturers may need to take more time for production. Your sales remain awaiting payment until the parcel arrives to customers. 

    Once orders were delivered. they will be marked as ¨To be paid¨ which you find in your sales history.

    Why haven´t I been paid?

    The payment might be delayed for various reasons:

    – Your PayPal account has not been verified.

    – Orders that were not delivered by the end of the last month will be included in the payment cycle of the upcoming month unless they are canceled before being shipped.

    – No payment will be made for orders that are canceled before dispatch.

    – It's important to update your payment information before the month concludes.

    – Your earnings for the last month did not reach the minimum threshold for payment.

    Last Updated in March, 2024.



    Yellow Moon-140490
    Posted by: Yellow Moon

    In behalf of Printblur.com, Yellow Moon specializes in updating policies for the marketplace Printblur. All website legal policies on Printblur.com, such as terms of use and privacy policies updated and compliant with state, federal, and international laws. Read more our Policies to have a better understanding of your order details and issues you may encounter when you make a purchase on Printblur.

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